According to The Oregonian, the incoming Multnomah County commissioner for the fourth district has chosen a “Portland City Hall insider” as his chief of staff. This shows how nothing ever changes in Metro-area politics. Mr. Jones-Dixon ran as someone who would shake up (at least to some degree) county government, but this appointment shows that to be mere posturing.
When the governor endorses someone, there is little doubt that person will be a dutiful foot solder for the left-wing establishment that runs this state. It is unfortunate that those who would change things don’t have the financial support necessary. That is the first thing which must change, if we are to improve Oregon’s economic and political culture, and restore some semblance of balance to the policy decisions at all levels of government.
With extremists dominating political offices in the metro area, and a Democratic Party supermajority likely in both houses of the legislature, we are in for a bumpy ride.